POLISH CORNER - Business Directory
Polish Corner is here to help you find organisations, businesses & professionals with links to Poland, Polish community in Australia or to Polish Film Festival in Perth.
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Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra
Polish Embassy in Canberra
Ambassador: Paweł Milewski
Address: 7 Turrana Street, 2600 ACT Canberra
Phone: +61 2 62721000
Email: canberra.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl
Website: canberra.msz.gov.pl
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
Polish Consulate in Woollahra, NSW
Consul General: Regina Jurkowska
Address: 10 Trelawney St, Woollahra NSW 2025
Phone: +61 (02) 9363 9816
Email: sydney.kg.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl
Website: www.sydney.msz.gov.pl/en
Polish Catholic Church
Address: 35 Eighth Ave, Maylands WA 6051
Phone: (08) 9272 2154
Email: ofm2@excite.com
Mass Times:
Sat. 6:30 PM. Sun. 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM. Mon. 6:30 PM. Tue. 6:30 PM. Wed. 6:30 PM. Thu. 6:30 PM. Fri. 6:30 PM.
SCHOOL - Polish Ethnic School
Polish School in Maylands, WA
Address: P.O.Box 36, Maylands WA 6931
Phone: 61 8 9468 9600
Email: contact@polska-szkola.com.au
Website: www.polska-szkola.com.au
POLISH CLUB - Polish Club General W. Sikorski WA Inc
Polish Club in Bellevue
Address: 7 Bellevue Rd, Bellevue WA 6056
Phone: (08) 9274 2858
Email: secretary@polishclubsikorski.com
Website: polishclubsikorski.com
Cracovia Club
Polish Club in Bennett Springs, WA
Address: 375 Marshall Road, Bennett Springs WA 6063
Phone: (08) 9377 5711
Website: www.cracoviaclub.com.au
Kukułeczka Inc of Perth
Polish Dance Group in WA
Address: 111 Bennett Springs Drive, Bennett Springs WA 6063 Australia
Phone: 0434 300 775
Email: info@kukuleczka.org.au
Website: kukuleczka.org.au
TVN International
Polish Televison Channel
TVN International or iTVN is an entertainment and news channel aimed at Poles living abroad.
SBS Polish
Polish Program at SBS Radio
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Digital Radio/TV/Online/Apps
Bumerang Polski
Polish Internet Magazine in Australia
Express Australijski
Australia's Polish Magazine since 1993
Liquor Barons Morley
Fine wine and beer specialist, as well as a Polish product specialist.
Address: 158 Wellington Rd, Morley WA 6062, Australia
Phone: 08 9276 1911
Website: www.liquorbarons.com.au/morley/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/liquorbaronsmorley/
Rossmoyne Family Meats
Butcher Shop in Rossmoyne, WA
Address: 59 Central Rd, Rossmoyne WA 6148
Phone: (08) 9457 2464
Shape Of Harmony
Yoga & Holistic Programs
Address: Langley Park 6004
Phone: 0412 504 670
Email: info@shapeofharmony.com.au
Website: shapeofharmony.com.au
Beauty salon in Ferndale, Western Australia
Address: 222 Nicholson Rd WA
Phone:0402 903 122
New home and land developer
CL Projects
Engineering and Architecture Services
Ollas Soy Candles
Personalized, scented soy wax candles, gift & accessories.
Tony Sadler Cannington
Soft furnishings
Bathroom International PTY Ltd.
Bathroom supply store
Address: 1399 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107
Phone: (08) 9356 5988
Website: http://www.bigapluspalmyra.com.au
Kris Wiacek Architect - Landmark Residential
Architect in Cottesloe, WA
Address: 88 Forrest St, Cottesloe WA 6011
Phone: (08) 9384 2900
Website: http://www.wiacek.com.au
Data Documents
Printing services
Address: 18/15 Carbon Ct, Osborne Park WA 6017
Phone: 0419 930 763
Website: www.datadocuments.com.au
Sew it Seams
Experienced European tailor for clothing and manchester alterations
Address: Shop 8/115 Lefroy Rd, Beaconsfield, 6162
Phone: 0438900360
Email: jolantab.annaw@gmail.com
Website: sewitseams.net.au
Winton Motors
Automotive services
Address: 2 Lago Pl, Joondalup WA 6027
Phone: (08) 9300 9603
Email: service@wintonmotors.com.au
Website: wintonmotors.com.au
Go Print
Printing services
Address: 44 Caversham Street, Perth WA 6000
Phone: 09228 0040
Email: admin@goprintwa.com
Website: goprintwa.com